Dinkin is American and based in New York.
Dinkin does not shy away just because we don’t fully comprehend. 
Dinkin experiments with complexities to achieve a form of literacy.
Dinkin studies what data compost piles we produce.
Dinkin collaborates with coders and other artists to construct her media. 
Dinkin practices art as research, looking into whatever feedback is generated.

#WhenWordsFail (2020-ongoing), interactive audiovisual web experience 
Conversations with Bina48 (2014-ongoing), documentation of interactions with a humanoid AI robot

Instead of producing finished untouchable pieces, Dinkin tends to frame her projects as continuous works in progress, often expanding the original foundation by juxtaposing it with subsequent material or processing her artworks anew, generating new layers of data in different forms of media. Thematically centered around the intersection of technology, race, gender, and potential time progressions her complex outputs can be understood as scientific art research, constantly floating in the state of emergent potentiality.

Both above projects are not defined by the original designs of their artifacts but by whatever new meanings emerge in the interaction with a human user, giving insights into the reality their data noise stems from. #WhenWordsFail, an artwork discussing the limitations of using language as the primary communication medium, invites the user to contribute their image and voice to the digital database, enriching it in real-time. And for “Conversations with Bina48” Dinkin created a physical bust that embodies a specially designed AI character based on interviews with the real individual Bina Aspen, replicating her character to some degree. The produced transcripts and video documentation of their dialogue on Blackness, gender, and identity become artifacts themselves, representative of the inherent biases in the data that make up Bina’s clone and the limitations of her AI being.

don’t black-box yourself
enter the feedback loop
feed input
to receive wisdom
don’t be scared
it’s only yourself

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Stephanie Dinkin (b. 1964)
oct 22 2024

© 2024 Sasha Meyer, updated December 24