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The film shows the daily activities of a stuffed monkey toy ranging from attending class to reading a book in a loop. With each day passing by, the montage takes on its own chaotic momentum, day and night seamlessly shifting into each other. Whereas at the beginning the focus of the sequence lies on the actual day routine, the process unfolds a systematic acceleration and concentration of the respective matter.

Inspired by Raymond Queneau’s “Exercises in Style” this project explores the same subject (in this case in the form of images) by alternating either the source itself or additional editing. By adding new meaning to already established fabula information with each repetition, the actual and potential thickness of each ‘scene’ is being further explored. This film intends to navigate the viewer’s focus from the time flow within the story world to the temporal design of the syuzhet. Overall, the narration pursues to achieve a sense of horizontal cohesiveness. To further stress the reality of deliberate internal construction, the film’s ending suggests a reference to real-life production.

silent still image short
4 min

© 2024 Sasha Meyer, updated December 24